• Xie Yuan

    In the early stage of 2019, my creations were mostly based on the combination of characters and objects, including elements such as blocks, bears, monsters, etc. At first, I chose wood because I was attracted by living materials and my love for creative interaction. I initially used a narrative method and added issues of life experience to elaborate creations containing stories. In 2021, I began to think about the relationship between materials and forms, trying to create context and research methods for creation. My recent works often retain and deliberately leave behind the manipulation of wood carving techniques, using wood carving cuts to echo photographic imaging, and Following the wood grain and carving descriptions until you understand the material, and thinking about the size of the material and the principle of photographic imaging, most of the works revolve around water ripples and how to transform rational concepts into formal and perceptual operations.

  • Work

    • Yuan Hsieh 謝元 Monster Riding 我想騎怪 Camphor Wood 樟木 82x20x32cm 2019


    • Yuan Hsieh 謝元 Pig Riding 我想騎豬 Camphor Wood 樟木 41x27x40 cm 2019


    • Yuan Hsieh 謝元歧視男孩玩熊 Discrimination Against a Boy Playing Teddy Bear 樟木 Camphor Wood 80x28x17cm 2019


  • CV

    Born in Yunlin in 1998
    Bachelor of Fine Arts, National Taichung University of Education
    Master of Sculpture, National Taiwan University of Arts


    2016 Hualien Youth Stone Sculpture Creation Camp
    2017 National Taichung University of Education Anniversary Art Exhibition
    2017 Oil Painting Class Exhibition of the Department of Fine Arts, National Taichung University of Education – Season of Blooming Flowers
    2018 Asia Sanyi Wood Sculpture Creation Camp Digital Collection
    2018 National Taichung University of Education Anniversary Art Exhibition
    2019 Asia Sanyi Wood Sculpture Creation Camp Collection
    2019 Yiyi Group Exhibition of Eight People
    2019 National Taichung University of Education Anniversary Art Exhibition
    I suddenly want to hold a group exhibition of seven people in 2020
    2020 National Taichung University of Education Fine Arts Department Graduation Art Exhibition Meet You. Start colorful
    2020 New Voices of Art Recommendation Exhibition for Outstanding Graduates of Art Departments
    2021 Exhibition of the first-year master’s class at the Department of Sculpture, National Taiwan University of Arts. people. often. different
    2021 Engraving No. 5. seven. 5 – Asia International Art University Exchange Exhibition in Taiwan


    2017 Yunlin Culture and Art Award Craft Category Excellent Work
    Selected in the Sculpture Category of the 2018 Central Fine Arts Exhibition
    2019 Yunlin Culture and Art Award Craft Category Excellent Works
    2019 National Taichung University of Education Centennial Anniversary Campus Public Art Selection
    2019 National Taichung University of Education Anniversary Art Exhibition Selected
    2020 National Taichung University of Education Fine Arts Department Graduation Art Exhibition [Meet You. Start the fun] Lin Zhizhi Award
    2020 Yunlin Culture and Art Award Craft Category Selected
    Selected in the Sculpture Category of the 2020 Central Fine Arts Exhibition
    Selected for the 12th National Taiwan University of Arts International Miniature Sculpture Exhibition in 2021
    2021 Dadun Art Exhibition Selected